

  • 15 years of experience with GNU/Linux / Ubuntu / Debian
  • 12 years of experience with GIT, Gitlab, and Github
  • 13 years of experience in Web Development (HTML5/CSS3, JavaScript)
  • 7 years of experience with Docker and Kubernetes
  • 5 years of experience with GCP / Azure / AWS

Functional Skills

  • Full Stack design and development with / Python / Node JS /
  • Identification and development of code features, test & deploy, and product run on AWS
  • IaC deployment based on templates and modules
  • Management of development, test, and production environments
  • Automation of application deployment, including updates and rollbacks
  • Integration of AWS infrastructure services such as Lambda, ECS, S3, RDS, VPC, IAM,…
  • Collaboration with teams to resolve production issues.
  • Providing technical architecture strategy and advice for all micro-service deployments
  • Automation of unit and functional tests (Vitest, Cucumber, Browserstack, playwrite)
  • Leading development and testing teams
  • Coaching and supporting teams
  • Trainer in maintaining open source project with best practices
  • Innovation, Autonomy, Leadership
  • Founder of OCTAVE, a digital company based in Tunisia.

Functional Skills

Absolutely, here’s the updated table incorporating the additional categories and technologies:

Cloud/DevOpsCI/CD, AWS CDK, SAM, CloudFormation, EC2 / ELB / RDS, Secrets Manager, KMS, IAM / CloudTrail, Terraform, Ansible, Kubernetes (AKS), Helm, Debian, Ubuntu, Docker, Azure DevOps, GitHub Actions, GitLab, Jenkins, Vagrant
Cloud DevelopmentAWS Lambda, API Gateway, SNS/SQS, S3, VPC, EC2, ECS, EKS, CloudFront, CloudWatch
Testing ToolsJest, Mocha, Chai, Enzyme, Cypress, Cucumber, WebdriverIO, BrowserStack
Application ServersNginx, Apache, Tomcat, Wildfly, JBoss
Web DevelopmentReact, Python, Node.js, Express.js, NestJS, Socket.IO, Java Spring, Django, Flask, Ruby on Rails, Go, Rust, PHP 7/5.6, Drupal 7/8, Symfony 3/4, Composer, Xdebug, PHPUnit, CakePHP
DATA/SOA/DBMSMySQL / MariaDB, SQLite, Oracle 10g, MongoDB, RethinkDB, Couchbase, SOAP, XML, JSON, GraphQL, Swagger
Methods & ToolsAgile (Scrum, Shape Up), Jira, Confluence, Kanban, Git (GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab)
Messaging/MonitoringDatadog, AWS CloudWatch, ELK Stack, Kafka, RabbitMQ, ZMQ
MiddlewareAWS Cognito, Keycloak, WSO2 (API Manager, Identity Server, Enterprise Service Bus)
My technical skills

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